When you need a warm, relatable, versatile, and real human voice for your voice over project, Elizabeth Hales is the Apple of Your Ear. Elizabeth's professional work covers a wide variety of projects, including commercials, promos, political, eLearning, corporate or web narration, and real characters for video games and animation. You can find a sample of her work below and download them to share with your collaborators.
Voice over demos are the best way to get a feel for Elizabeth's unique style and humanity. It showcases just a portion of the kind of work she’s capable of bringing to your project. But for an even more tailored experience, reach out to Elizabeth below to request a custom audition or a quote for your voiceover project. She would love to bring your project to life and will get back to you within 24 hours or less.

elizabeth's demos
Commercial Demo
Corporate Narration Demo
In Show Demo
Video Game/Character Demo
Promo Demo
Political Demo
Medical Demo
Narration Demo
Guided Meditation Demo